
The surface scratch pattern

The abrasive mop wheel‘s construction makes it perfect for achieving a smooth surface finish. The abrasive mop wheel achieves a significantly smoother surface finish com- pared to that of a belt grinder. When choosing a grit size please select a grit size that is 2-3 sizes rougher than that used with a belt grinder.

Abrasive belt 40 grit
short distinctive line pattern, rough surface, high contrast finish
Abrasive mop wheel 40 grit
long continuous line pattern, minimum depression, smooth finish
Mop-ø [mm] Recommended RPM range [min-1]
(38-42 m/s)
100 7.300–8.000
140 5.200–5.700
165 4.400–4.800
200 3.650–4.000
250 2.900–3.200
300 2.400–2.650
350 2.100–2.300
380 1.900–2.100
410 1.750–1.950
480 1.500–1.650
510 1.400–1.550


Factors influencing the grinding result

The surface finish is dependent upon a wide range of process parameters. The table below illustrates the different influencing factors and their affect on the grinding result.

    Grinding result
Influencing factor Stock removal* Surface finish Service life
Cutting rate high increases finer shorter
low decreases rougher longer
Tool / grinding pressure high increases rougher shorter
gering decreases finer longer
Grit size rough increases rougher shorter
fine decreases finer longer
Grinding Aids
(oils, lubricants)
without increases rougher shorter
with decreases finer longer

* Note: the essential parameters that affect the stock removal rate is the selection of a rougher (more stock removal) or finer (less stock removal) grit.